We're Andris, Débora, Gabriela, and Fredis — the hearts and hands behind Obelisk Farm. For us, hemp is more than a crop; it's a way of life that embodies sustainability, creativity, and learning. What began as a small family project has grown into a passion for sharing knowledge and offering unique, high-quality hemp products. 


As a small family farm, we are dedicated to cultivating hemp and creating a sustainable environment that educates and inspires. Our mission is to offer more than just hemp products — we aim to share knowledge, welcome visitors to learn about hemp, and foster a deeper connection with the land. Through workshops, events, and hands-on experiences, we are committed to making hemp education accessible. 

We envision a world where hemp plays a central role in promoting environmental sustainability, health, and economic growth. Through education, we strive to become a leading source of knowledge and inspiration, helping individuals and communities unlock the full potential of hemp in their everyday lives.


Where it all began

We started the farm in 2017, and since then we've dedicated our lives to growing, and creating with hemp while educating others about the uses and benefits of the hemp plant. Nestled in the eastern part of Latvia, in the Latgale region, our farm is bursting with hemp that reflects our intention of living a life connected with nature.  At a point in our lives, we felt a need to be more connected to nature. So in, 2014, our family left the hustle of city life in London and move to a small village called Obeliškas. We were pursuing a slower, simpler life that would connect us with nature every day.

Growing for the future

Wondering what we could do on our land, we come across an extraordinary plant: hemp. The first seeds were sown in 2016, and after many trials and errors, we became confident enough to grow and produce hemp products. Soon, word got out about our hemp farm, and people we didn’t yet know began asking if they could order our products and visit our farm. From that moment, we felt that we had found our calling. We wanted to devote ourselves to growing hemp because we believe we have a responsibility to protect Mother Earth by growing her most sustainable plant to help create a better now and tomorrow.‍

From farm to flourish

In the past years, we've poured our hearts into restoring farm buildings, giving them new life as a hemp school, museum, and shop. These spaces have become hubs of learning, showcasing the rich history of hemp. From engaging hemp tours to educational courses, we're here to celebrate the vibrant life of hemp—both within the farm's embrace and beyond. What started as a small hemp farm has flourished into a blossoming business, specializing in producing wholesome hemp products and giving others the tools and information they need about hemp. 

Looking forward

Discovering the way as we go, we’re letting hemp lead in all that we do. In this way of thinking, the plant is both teacher and co-conspirator in a shift of consciousness toward wonder, abundance, and reciprocity. It's changeful, but we love that. With many years of hemp farming behind our family, we hope our long-standing commitment to doing what's right for the land and people allows us to do what we love for generations to come. Currently dividing our lives between Latvia and Portugal, we strive to embody our vision of sustainable living in two beautiful corners of the world.


Education & Educational programs

The workshops and courses we organize are one of the central elements of our work. They are educational events supported by a strong research effort.

We offer courses on the themes of hemp production, hemp paper, hemp construction, hemp wool and hemp food.

In addition to face-to-face courses, we will soon be offering online courses published on our own platform.


Farms visits

Our farm smells of hemp. It's an ever-changing space, filled with information that arouses curiosity and raises questions.

We are located in Latgale and here you will find hemp fields, hemp school, hemp museum & hemp shop.


  Research, creation of  

     educational material & consulting  

The basis of our work is continuous and consistent research into topics that we consider to be priorities. Based on this research, we develop our training and educational programs and produce our teaching manuals, which are the fruit of years of work and are among the few documents written in English and Latvian on the respective topics.

We also provide consulting services with in-depth knowledge of the reality of hemp businesses, supporting you in the management, strategic planning and business development.


Online and physical store

We have a shop (online and physical) where we offer a selection of the best hemp products we make. 




If our story resonates with you and you appreciate our work, consider supporting us by becoming a Patron. For as little as 3€ per month on Patreon, you can help sustain our efforts. As a Patron, you'll gain exclusive access to behind-the-scenes farm updates, educational tutorials, insights into our various hemp creations (such as hemp paper, hempcrete, and hemp foods), early access to events and sales, as well as personal details about our lives. Your support means the world to us, and we're deeply grateful to everyone who takes the time to join us on this journey. Thank you for being a part of our community!